We’re still travelling as a special needs family, and are currently house sitting in the South of France, in a small town called Belveze-du-Razes, close to Toulouse. We decided that I will focus on the kids – schooling and playing – while my husband will generate income and join us to do some exploring in the surrounding area from time to time.
A new country always comes with many new things. New languages, new tastes, smells, cultures, a different way of living, weather changes, routine changes, the way you shop, the way you commute, the games children play, the way the garbage gets removed – almost everything is different… except for the box. Yes, the good old cardboard box.
The box is universal – any kid will give it just one look, and know that it’s the perfect car, castle, parking garage or baby crib!
As we’re here in winter – and it’s our first ever Europe winter experience as a travelling family from the hot and humid South Africa – the box really helps to keep the kids busy – and mom sane! We’ve already had many hours of fun and imaginary play inside with recycled “garbage”.
There are so many interesting and creative ideas on the internet. This week we want to try out some of the box vehicle ideas for Reuben and the desk organizer for Anika. Maybe we could even make some temporary toy organizers to TRY and keep things tidy around here!
So yes, from now on I will collect empty boxes, toilet paper rolls, egg carton boxes and any other empty containers – for sanity purposes 🙂

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[…] Just being mom […]