Oh how I love to share my friends with others 🙂
Today I was so blessed to have 3 friends over for a visit. Not just friends. Special friends. Friends who share the good and the bad times, joyful and sad times, who can have fun over a glass of wine or be serious over a cup of coffee.
I realised again how special it is to have friends who are Women of God. Who are not afraid to say it and live in a way that shows it.
One of my (relatively new) friends said something this afternoon that really touched my heart and made me realise that I love to share my friends with others.
At my baby shower a while ago she was sitting there and she watched my friends (whom she didn’t know at that stage) – testifying, chatting, loving each other – and she realised that she also wants friends like that – beautiful from inside and out – Women of God. She said that she prayed after the baby shower and asked God for friends like mine. The next morning one of my dearest friends phoned her to invite her for a cup of coffee. All of this happened “behind my back” (haha sounds fishy) and I just LOVE to hear afterwards how two of my friends became friends and how they are blessing each other with love and friendship!
So go out and make friends who you would love to share with others – friends who make a difference – in your life and the lives of others! …and remember to also be a friend like that 😉