Give me a stubborn student who doesn’t want to be in class, who is not interested at all – and I will turn him into a passionate and motivated facilitator…. eventually…
But give me a toddler who refuses to brush her teeth… Now THAT’S another story in a whole different league!!
They say it is good to be determined in life, to have a strong will and personality, but I think my 3 year old takes that statement a little bit too far some days. (Of course it is not by chance or her mistake… this mommy is just sooooo soft and tooooo gullible)
When I read the book that Hettie Brittz wrote – Growing kids with character – I realised how important it is to take your child’s personality and temperament into consideration when you deal with the ups and downs in their everyday life. She classifies them into four groups – Rose Bushes (the difficult ones), Palm Trees (the social ones), Pine Trees (the soft and calm ones) and Lollipops (the organised sentimental ones).
So just after my first evaluation of my little tree I concluded that she is definitely a pure Rose. HUGE was my relief when I came to the part in the book where she says that every parent thinks that his/her child is a Rose Bush at some stage – especially with the two-year tantrums (which seems to last forever)
So yes, my little lady turned out to be more than just a Rose Bush (even though some days she still seems pure Rose to me) – she is an interesting combination of Rose-Lolli-Palm and I enjoy her sooo much…
Yesterday in church the pastor said that we must start to focus on the positive things we like in the people we love, and not focus on the negatives.
So hang in there – whenever the situation seems just too hard to handle, BYT VAS! (…and have a cuppa)
I will just have to think of another creative way to make her love her toothbrush 🙂