Most of us have read and heard the verses about “Jesus the vine” over and over again. This morning when I read it, I realised for the first time how amazing verse 3 actually is… Somehow in the past I overlooked it, or just didn’t realise what Jesus said.
1 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the farmer. 2 Every branch in me that doesn’t bear fruit, he takes away. Every branch that bears fruit, he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. 3 You are already pruned clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.
What a relief, what grace, to know that we are already pruned clean. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, doesn’t matter what you or others think or say about you, you are worthy because He already pruned you.
So you are able to bear more fruit right now, you don’t have to do anything to “qualify” to start bearing fruit, you are already pruned and ready for action 🙂