I wonder how many times we forget to live in the moment? Or do we ever live in the moment at all?
When we are young we want to be older, and when we get older we want to be young again… When we’re busy in life we want it to slow down, until it slows down then we get bored…
The other day I was complaining about how busy I am with the kids. Having a 5 month old and 5 year old (with special needs) and running a business sometimes overwhelms me. Carrying them around, bathing, feeding, changing diapers, therapy, doctors appointments, grocery shopping (with a stroller, wheelchair and trolley), keeping them busy, attending to their never-ending requests and needs “mommy this, mommy that…”
And then I realised that I’m telling all of this to my friend who just had to see her only son go. Out of her house, into “adult life”, out of the country. I can only imagine what she would give to just have one of those crazy days over again. Just to be able to have him with her for one more day. Even if it’s just a day of driving him around, preparing dinner, or attending to his never-ending needs.
And I thought about my daughter in heaven, and what I would give to just be able to do some of these things for her. Even if it was only cleaning up the mess she made or picking up her laundry from the floor.
…and what about everyone who wish that they could have a child to attend to, to drive around, to clean up after, to bath, to feed – but they never got the chance to.
It made me realise how precious every moment is. How precious THIS moment is. It will never be this moment again, I can’t ever have it over again.
We are seated in heavenly places, right at this moment, we just need to live life as if every moment is the last, every moment counts…
(I know we will have eternity but lets make the best of and enJOY the here and now!)
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[…] kids love to cook and bake with mom, and most moms love to cook and bake with their kids, but as there are only 24 hours in a day, and […]