So – many times I hear the question: “Who is the best doctor in town?” or “Who is the best hairdresser in town?” or “The best school, church, bakery…”
What exactly is “The best”?
Some people enjoy a light, puffy bread roll – others prefer heavy & dense. Some ladies like thick, bold highlights in their hair – and others prefer finer, more natural stripes. Some people want a doctor with bedside manners, others just want someone who can diagnose, treat and get it over with. It’s all about perception.
So… what is “The best”?
I think we all just need to be more detailed and direct about what WE really want. What is “The best for YOU” – You can’t expect society to give you what you want if you don’t SAY what you want!
We are all unique, and we all have our own idea of how “The best” doctor, hairdresser, or teacher should be like.
So – speak up! Say what you mean and get what you want!
Anika definitely knows what she wants – and how she wants it. She has it figured out at the age of 4…. maybe we all had it figured out at some stage – a very long time ago – and then life happened!
… Now I really really really want a big cup of very strong, not-too-cold, not-too-hot coffee with just enough milk and no sugar. Guess the fact that I will have to make it myself will make it easier to get it just right 🙂