Have you ever been in one of those awkward, useless conversations where people ask silly questions – just because they they NEED to talk (even if it doesn’t make sense…)
Like in: “Oh, is it shopping day today?” – when they see you in the mall (with your shopping bags in your trolley) or “Are you back from vacation?” – when you are standing in front of them.
One of the best ones (which I stole from facebook…) is “Are you wearing braces now?!” – uhm, no, I’m chewing staples 🙂
Frank Lloyd Wright said: “There is nothing more uncommon than common sense..”
I think we live in a time where everybody just feels that they need to be busy with something. We can’t sit still, switch off, keep quiet. And oh how I love to be quiet.
You don’t see anyone just sitting around anymore. They are either busy on their phones or doing whatever they are doing (without switching off).
So that’s one of the many reasons why I love going on a yearly Wakkerstroom trip with one of my “able to be quiet” friends. To be still, to recap, to ponder, to recharge and to go through a weekend without any silly questions! …this year was the first year that we missed out, so hopefully next year we can go twice!
…oh and by the way, I know we all do those silly questions sometimes, I’m also guilty! So it’s up to you to decide… are you guilty, or in denial?! 😉