I just started this post with the words “I believe that there’s always more to it” – but I deleted it and started over, because I don’t only believe it, I KNOW that there’s always more to it!
When I said to my husband that I want to talk and blog about “There’s always more to it”, the first thing he asked me was “What is IT?”
For me, ‘it’ includes anything and everything in life – any situation, relationship, anything you do, anything you say, anything you believe in. There’s always a better way to do, enjoy, use or embrace ‘it’.
The thing is, you can’t get more from ‘it’ if you don’t CHOOSE to make more of ‘it’. It’s a choice, a mind shift, a decision you need to make.
It doesn’t matter how bad your situation is, if you choose to make the best of ‘it’, you can make a difference to how you and everyone around you experience ‘it’.
Think of something simple like taking your child to school every morning. You can just do it, or you can make more of it by playing a game, having a chat, singing a song, embracing this special time – which will not last forever.
A friend of mine had to go to Home Affairs the other day to apply for her passport. Instead of dreading the idea and being frustrated and irritated, she packed a picnic basket with some biscuits and a flask of coffee, and invited a friend over (to Home Affairs) so that they can have that long overdue coffee she never has time for. She was getting more out of ‘it’ because she chose to make more of ‘it’.
Dale Partridge said the other day that “Today isn’t rehearsal people. This is your life.”
So go on, try to make more of it, you only live once!