There is something unbearable about a friends’ heartache. To watch someone you love go through a hard time is sometimes much harder than going through something yourself.
The worst part is not being able to do anything about it…
Sometimes the secret lies in not trying too hard to DO something but instead to just BE there – and PRAY! In times like these we just need to let them be, let them feel, allow them to hurt instead of covering it all up and pretending that it’s okay. Sometimes it’s not okay, and it’s okay to not be okay for a while.
I’m out of words, my heart actually hurts so much today that I can physically feel the pain. So I just want to say – my friend, I can’t fix this, I can’t make it go away or make it better. I wish I could put a plaster on your ‘ouch’, but there’s only One who can do that. I want to place you in the hands of our Father, for He will turn your mourning into dancing again! May your joy be renewed in the morning and may you be covered by His love and comfort.
This made me think about what our pastor did a while ago.. He stood on stage and took a R100 note out of his pocket and asked who would like to have it. Obviously everyone wanted it! Then he crumpled it up. He asked again who would like to have it. And still everybody wanted it. Then he threw it on the floor and jumped on it… and still, everybody wanted the R100 note. The moral of the story is, it doesn’t matter how rough life handles you, doesn’t matter if someone crumples you up or jumps on you, your worth is still the same.
And you my friend, are worth sooo much more than you could ever imagine!