Soon after our first daughter, Anika, was born with Spina Bifida, and our second daughter, Esti, died of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, we decided that something good will have to…
Woman of God
Woman of God
Steadfast Testimony – Divinely Different – Annel Strydom
by Annél Strydom August 7, 2018Before we started our 3 month European adventure, we didn’t know much about the what, how and where’s – but we knew God wanted us to visit Belgium as part…
By the wayWoman of God
When you invite someone over to your house – and then remember that you won’t have a house anymore…
by Annél Strydom May 28, 2018Have you ever invited someone over to your house for Sunday lunch, only to realise that you forgot that you won’t have a house anymore on Sunday… Couldn’t help but…