The God Says I'm Okey-Dokey Bush Tales eBook contains 5 stories about animal characters with special needs/disabilities to educate and create awareness about daily challenges our children face. In this book your child will get to know Geoffrey the Giraffe (wears glasses), Emma Elephant (wheelchair user), Rosy the Lion (red hair and freckles) and more!
Each story includes a short lesson and scripture from the Bible with a discussion topic to help your child understand Special Needs and challenges through God's eyes.
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God Says I'm Okey-Dokey Bush Tales is part of the Okey-Dokey range of Inclusive Children's Books
The Okey-Dokey Bush Tales eBook contains 5 stories about animal characters with special needs/disabilities to educate and create awareness about daily challenges our children face. In this book your child will get to know Geoffrey the Giraffe (wears glasses), Emma Elephant (wheelchair user), Rosy the Lion (red hair and freckles) and more!
You will receive a unique download link shortly after payment has been completed.
Bush Tales is part of the Okey-Dokey range of Inclusive Children's Books
"Waarom Emma wiele het" en 4 ander stories om daai nuuskierige HOEKOM vrae oor sproete, brille, rolstoele en meer te beantwoord.
Bos Stories is deel van die Okey-Dokey reeks Inklusiewe Kinder Boeke wat daarop gemik is om kinders te help om spesiale behoeftes, omstandighede en ander daaglikse uitdagings te verstaan en te hanteer.
Hierdie boek bestaan uit 5 stories oor verskillende karakters met 'n verskeidenheid spesiale behoeftes en uitdagings. Elke storie eindig met 'n kort les en besprekingspunt om die les mooi vas te lê.
Die Okey-Dokey boeke word geskryf deur Annél en Anika Strydom, 'n spesiale behoefte ma en dogter span.